From a human standpoint, the sun is an almost limitless source of energy. Even in Germany, the amount of energy arriving in the form of solar radiation far exceeds total energy consumption. Photovoltaic and solar thermal systems allow humans to harness the power of the sun.
In our accredited calibration laboratory, CalLab PV Modules, we combine the highest level of scientific know-how with modern measurement technology. Our clients renowned module manufacturers, EPCs(engineering, procurement, construction) and investors with most demanding quality. The value of many years of experience and our excellent reputation in the field of module characterization.
Our service offer ranges from calibration of single cells and modules to customized tasks such as the calibration of bifacial modules. Our measurement uncertainty of only 1.6% and our quality assurance measures make us international leaders. In CalLab PV Modules, modules are characterized comprehensively according to the Energy Rating Standard IEC 61853 and module quality is evaluated on the basis of individual testing procedures. Furthermore, CalLab PV modules supplies and calibrates client-specific reference cells, that we developed in house (WPVS standard and LARC) for different applications. Our goal is to understand our clients’ requirements exactly and to offer customized solutions.
CalLab PV Modules was accredited in March 2015 as the first calibration laboratory in the world to achive a measurement uncertainty of 1.6% for photovoltaic modules. The Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (Dakks) confirmed on 24th Mach 2015 that CalLab PV Modules is authorized according to the conditions of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to carry out calibration of photovoltaic modules.
We can measure the power output from concentrator PV modules (CPV) aunder standard conditions using several test set ups equipped with trackers or in the laboratory with a solar simulator.. The rating procedures used are documented in the IEC Draft Standard 62670-3. Fraunhofer ISE is actively involved in developing this standard, which was recently accepted by the IEC as a New Work item Proposal (NWIP).
•Accurate measurements according to IEC 60904-3 with a measurement uncertainty of only 1.6%
•Determination of the spectral response at the module and cell level from 300nm to 1200 nm
•Power Rating measurements according to IEC 61853
•Determination of the angular dependence according to IEC 61853-2
•Determination of the low-light performance down to 100 W/m²
•Measurement of temperature coefficient over the range from 15°C to 75°C
•Characterization of bifacial PV modules
•Supply and calibration of WPVS and LARC reference cells
•Evaluation of CPV modules under CSOC and CSTC
Further information:
•Find out more about our service offers regarding calibration and characterization of PV Modules
•Brochures and Flyer about the CalLab PV Modules [PDF]
Contact: Frank Neuberger
Phone +49 761 4588 5280
Photovolaic power plants
PV power plants in the multi-megawatt range are becoming increasingly important internationally. Investors, project developers and EPCs (engineering, procurement, construction), banks and insurance companies must be sure that a power plant will deliver the predicted yield. With the Fraunhofer ISE quality cycle, we offer comprehensive quality assurance of PV power plants in all phases of a PV power plant project – from the development phase to on-going operation.
Already in the planning phase, we advise our clients on component selection and system design, taking the differing climatic conditions at each site into account. The results are also used for our internationally recognized yield predictions. With the help of testing programs developed in house, such as the Quality Benchmarking and the Procurement Check, we investigate selected modules and components in our laboratories, TestLab and CalLab PV Modules, with respect to their quality and suitability for the planned application. This greatly reduces the risk of well-known fault mechanisms in advance.
We offer complete and comprehensive testing of the whole PV system, so that our clients can be sure that their plant really corresponds to the state of the art and delivers the promised performance. Its quality can be controlled and existing faults can be documented with the help of on-site analysis that includes visual inspection, thermography and determination of the actual power generated. Once a PV system has commenced operation, we determine the actual Performance Ratio of the power plant and compare the results with the values from the yield prediction. Early detection of sub-optimal operation enables power plant operators to take the necessary remedial steps as soon as possible.
•Accurate and independent yield predictions
•Quality assessment of components
•Technical testing and optimization of the entire system after commissioning
•Failure analysis of irregular operating performance
•Independent evaluation of power output and performance
•Optimization and re-powering of existing power plants
•Degradation analysis
Further information:
•Brochures and Flyer about the ServiceLab PV Power Plants [PDF]
Contact: Boris Farnung
Phone +49 761 4588 5471