In winter, avalanches pose the biggest danger in mountains. Avalanche monitoring is therefore of critical importance to ensure the safety of people and infrastructure. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR are breaking new ground in avalanche detection.
Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are considered as a promising tool in medicine, with the potential to unlock treatments for many health conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases and disorders.
Robot systems explore unfamiliar terrain, buildings or danger zones with cameras. In the 3D-InAus project, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE are using a LiDAR laser on a mobile robot, emitting laser pulses to measure distances.
Paludicultures such as peat moss, reed and reed canary grass are already used as construction materials, animal feed and foodstuff. Due to their low lignin content, however, peatland plants could also be an attractive alternative to wood as a raw material source for sustainable paper packaging.